Our name is Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church. We are evangelical and Lutheran. We are part of 10,000 congregations nationally and in Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. We are part of 180 congregations in the Northeastern Ohio Synod.
This is a community that is
Growing in Faith Together. How does belonging to a community make a difference in living our faith? This email received by a fellow pastor from one of her parishioners says it all:
I don't have to carry anything alone... even my faith. I often sit there during liturgy and rest about everything... because I am reminded that when I can't pray, others in my community are praying; when I can't sing, others are singing for me; when I have no faith, others have it for me; when I cannot be gracious, others are extending grace on my/our behalf. It's true - we can be whole only within community, only as a community.
4873 Cleveland Road
Wooster, OH · 44691
330-345-6727 (church office)
email: slcmain@gmail.com
Office Hours: Tue, Thur 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
For pastoral care:
contact Tim Barrage @ 330-465-5763
email: timbarrage@slcw.org
Lay Leader: Tim Barrage
Parish Secretary: Vacant
Organist: Vacant
Treasurer: Tabitha Zimmerman
2025 Congregational Council:
President Garald Wise
Vice President Sharon Salmons
Secretary Tim Barrage (non-voting appointee)
Treasurer Tabitha Burchett (non-voting appointee)
Evangelism Sharon Salmons
Faith Formation Alan Nathan
Financial Secretary Tim Barrage (non-voting appointee)
Finance/Endowment/Stewardship Sherrill Wise
Property Beth Ann Zimmerman
Fellowship Sharon Salmons
Social Ministry Barbara Buchwalter
Lay Leader Tim Barrage
Growing in Faith Together:
Sharon Salmons
Sharon Salmons
Endowment / Finance / Stewardship
Sherrill Wise
Faith Formation
Barbara Buchwalter
Beth Ann Zimmerman / Garald Wise
Social Ministry
Barbara Buchwalter
Cemetery Committee
Sherry Hughes
Garald Wise
Garald Wise
Endowment Committee
Amanda Herbert
Terry Bumgardner
Teams are formed as needed for particular projects throughout the year.
If you have an interest in any of these ministries, please contact the Council Liaison to see where your time and talents can best be put to use.
We have a "century" brick building that has been renovated several times over the years. What makes sense to those who have been attending Salem all their lives might need some explanation for visitors. If you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Yes! We have an elevator located at the back of the building that will take you up to the sanctuary level or down to the fellowship hall. It is unlocked on Sunday mornings. If you will need assistance or instruction on operation, please call the church office (330-345-6727). Leave a message with a call-back number if we are not in the office. We have a handicap accessible restroom on the basement level.
Generally for worship and during office hours, you can enter by the main door which leads into the sanctuary level. Often for meetings or Sunday School and fellowship events, the southeast entrance is used to go down to the basement level.
Women's, Men's, and family restrooms are on the lower level.
Adult Bible Study meets at 9:00AM via ZOOM or in the pastors office
We celebrate the Lord's Supper the first Sunday of every month.
Lutherans love to sing. We use two different hymnals and six musical settings throughout the year. We encourage you to use the hymnals (especially when we switch to a new setting) to become familiar with the music. Also, the words to the liturgy and hymns are projected on a screen as well. Take your time. At first you may just want to listen to the singing around you, or you can just jump right in. Congregational singing is not about performance, but is heart music. Read/listen to/sing the words. Hymns tell the story of our faith. We not only sing God's praises in worship - we lament, we confess, we declare our commitment in song.
Sign up to receive email notices - fill out the yellow contact information card found in the Narthex (that's a fancy name for the entryway at the back of the church).