

Learning Is For Everyone for  L.I.F.E!


We gather to discuss a variety of topics before worship every Sunday at 9:00AM.

We offer a variety of learning styles - videos, discussion, small group, informational forums.

During the school year, the adult class is generally led by the Pastor. During the Summer, informal discussion or a DVD course may be offered.


Life-Long Learning is Cross-Generational

Our Learning is Traditional

Just being in worship, children will hear the major stories from the Old and New Testament.

We continue to seek out resources to support parents in continuing faith conversations in their homes. See Resources tab on this page.

Daily devotional readings are listed in the weekly bulletin insert, and available on a number of blogs. (During Sept - May)

Daily Reading

FIND Devotional Blog or Daily Devotions at the links below

Daily Devotions

faith formation



Our commitment to Life-Long Learning is summed up in 4 easily memorized words related to our mission statement, that also guide our faith formation and learning.

Believing – Hearing (God’s Story/My Story)
Belonging – Sharing God’s Grace - (Promises)
Becoming – Praying for God’s Guidance (Life with God)
Beyond Belief – Serving God’s Children

Course titles may change, but all classes and fellowship groups fit into one (or more) of the categories described below. Talk with Pastor about which of these study groups would be the best fit for where you are in your spiritual journey and your desire to join in the mission of Salem Lutheran. Those classes that are ongoing are marked with an asterisk. The others are offered periodically, either during the Sunday School hour, or in other formats to accommodate a variety of schedules.

God's Story/My Story - Reflect on your own story and the biblical story. Bring your questions about God, faith, and the church as you seek to find meaning in your life. Forming or joining a Faith Life Group is also a great way to engage your questions in community.

Promises (part 1) - For those preparing for baptism or affirmation of baptism. This class explores the baptismal covenant, reflecting on what God promises through baptism and what the believer's response in faith is to be. This is also the class for parents desiring baptism for their children.

Promises (part 2) - For those preparing for their first communion or who wish to join our community of faith. This class explores the covenant of the Lord's Supper (aka Eucharist), reflecting on what God promises through this holy meal of community and our response to those promises. This is also a helpful class for parents of children preparing for first communion or who seek resources about communion for their younger children.

Life with God* - Reflect on the Christian life: worship, service, prayer, mission and community. Discussion based on scripture, particularly in study of the scripture readings used in Sunday worship from the Narrative Lectionary. This may happen in a Faith Life Groups, Sunday School or other traditional class.

Beyond Belief - Participants reflect on the sacraments of baptism and communion, and on the mystery and meaning of Christ's death and resurrection. How do these events shape your life and empower you for ministry in daily life? This may also include spiritual gifts discernment and opportunities for ministry as you live out baptism in relationships in your daily life.

Previous programs

Crossways Bible Study

Our faith community just recently finished the second of two - two year programs offered by Pastor Landis Coffman who has been leading the Crossways Bible Study. This program delved into the bible, the history of the time, and scholarly investigations of the inner workings of the entire work of our faith. It was a partnership between Salem Lutheran and St. Paul Lutheran in Smithville - and was held on Tuesdays @ 6:30. Presently, Pastor Coffman will be taking a break from teaching this program. We hope to announce a return to this highly enlightening and informative study of the bible in the near future. Stay tuned for more information.

Tough Conversations

In July of 2018, our congregation invited the community to discuss the current issues of gun violence and hosted a training and panel discussion event entitled: Church Security: Where Faith and Preservation Collide. This program consisted of an A.L.I.C.E. training as well as a panel discussion with presenters from law enforcement officers; an attorney; church security personnel; The ELCA NEO Synod Bishop; and our pastor. The discussion centered on the hope that churches could provide effective security while ensuring an inviting atmosphere to congregational attendees. This was the beginning of the discussion, and was given some attention by the press (see: NewsLink ).


Sunday Mornings @ 9:00AM - Adult/High School and Up - Bible Study



WOMEN OF FAITH meet First Wednesday @ 10:00 am for Brunch, conversation and service at Buehler's downtown Wooster.

Join the new Facebook Group!

FAITH/LIFE GROUPS: Community is so important to your spiritual life.

Find a group with similar interests – or start a group. Use the “Living the Word” small group study on the readings from the Narrative Lectionary, or a book you’ve been meaning to read. Pastor also has a number of resources to recommend.

In Faith/Life Groups ...

  • You Share God’s Grace - talk about what's going on in your lives.
  • You Hear God’s Word - Studying the Bible, a book, a video series, etc.
  • You Pray for God’s Guidance –you pray for one another.
  • You Serve Together – serve where you see a need in your community.
  • You Play Together - Every 4-6 weeks have a fun event!
Daily and Sunday Readings / reflections / devotions

Daily Readings From the ELCA

Daily Readings from ClergyStuff

General BIBLE Resources

Enter the Bible
- a resource from Luther Seminary

Who is Enter the Bible for?

If you want to grow in your faith, add depth to your Bible study or truly discover the people, places and events in the Bible, then this resource is for you. You may have studied the Bible for years. Or you may a new reader. Either way you'll find information that will deepen your understanding of the Bible.

This resource is

  • Designed to help you to understand more about the Bible and how it relates to your faith and life.
  • Written by Luther Seminary faculty. It's information you can trust.
  • Contains information and context for your group study or personal devotions.

Explore the Bible Project

The Bible Project is a non-profit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere. We create videos, podcasts, and study guides that explore the Bible’s unified story.

The Bible is a divine-human book that speaks God’s word to his people. We believe it ultimately points us to Jesus, who has the power to change individuals and whole communities when we let the biblical story speak for itself.

We focus on the Bible's overarching themes and each book’s literary design and are committed to understanding the Bible in its historical context.

Vibrant Faith @ Home
-supports families who are intentional about their faith and religious practice as they raise the next generation of committed Christians.

Their goal is to equip and empower households to:

  • TALK with each other about their faith
  • REACH OUT in service and support of others.
  • RITUALIZE their important moments
  • PRAY together in ways that are comfortable and comforting

The resources on Vibrant Faith @ Home are free, and you you do not need to log in to download the activities.

More than 60 faith activities are published each season -- spring, summer, fall, and winter. This resource is not connected to the Narrative Lectionary readings. Wander around the site and click on what interests you.

Table Talk

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