Daily Readings/devotions
FIND Daily Devotions based on the Sunday readings at the links below.
Worship is one of the last places in our society where you can find people spanning 10 decades. The eight year old can learn from the octogenarian, and vice versa.
At Salem, we have one worship service Sundays at 10:00 AM. A nursery is available if you need it, but we encourage you to have your children with you in worship.
Included in the bulletin is a study guide for daily readings and devotion ideas to take home with you. We continue to seek out resources to support parents in continuing faith conversations in their homes.
Nearness (to adults practicing and living out their faith) and forming practices of their own are essential to the formation of faith for children through adulthood.
Everything we do, we do across the generations.
Our Worship is Traditional
In the Lutheran tradition, we follow a liturgy - a regular form with music and the spoken word - incorporating these four basic elements:
Gathering - Word - Meal - Sending
We follow the traditional church season: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost, and celebrate other festival days, such as All Saints Sunday, Baptism of our Lord, Transfiguration Sunday, etc.
Our Worship is Variable
There may be sung or spoken responses, a number of hymns, or even some music videos or recorded music, depending on how this fits into the delivery of the Word or theme of the day. In worship, you can choose to use the projection screen to follow the service, or a printed bulletin, if you prefer. Hymnals are always available for those who like to follow the musical setting. We use a variety of musical settings throughout the church season. Lutherans like to sing! The only way to know if you like our worship style is to "come and see." We are always happy to welcome you to join us in worship and fellowship.
Check out these links to Rev. Ken Collins' Website:
Holy Week
The Season After Pentecost
Due to copyright issues, and because there is a lot of information on Ken's website, we are happy to direct you directly to his site.
Enjoy finding out about all things liturgical!
Baptism is about God coming to us to love us, care for us and name us as God's own. Through baptism God promises to be our God, to be faithful to us, and to energize us with true life.
In other words, through baptism God "adopts" us. He makes us sons and daughters. He brings us into a relationship. That relationship is possible because of Jesus Christ. Though we have been separated from God because of shortcomings and failures, Jesus, through His death and resurrection, has made forgiveness a possibility that we might be able to live in a relationship with God.
Baptism is a very special gift. It is the beginning of an exciting relationship with the One who loves us more than any other, who cares for us more than any other, and forgives us more than any other. Like any other relationship, a relationship with God must be taken seriously or it will stagnate and die. In order to truly experience the fullness of what it means to be a child of God, we need to be involved through weekly worship, daily prayer and devotions and Bible study. The better we know God, the more we will enjoy the relationship.
Baptism places us into a personal, living relationship with Jesus Christ. All of His promises -the hope of eternal life, the hope of enthusiastic, joy-filled living here and now, and the assurance of unconditional forgiveness and acceptance are ours through baptism. Because baptism is God's work, God’s promise, we baptize infants. God wants all people to enjoy Divine love, especially children.
BAPTISM OF INFANTS occurs in consultation with the Pastor, after a time of baptismal preparation for parents and sponsors.
We recognize the baptism of other Christian faith traditions. Anyone interested in joining our mission through affirmation of faith, transfer or baptism, are expected to attend one or more of our discipleship classes.
Communion is also a special gift of God. In communion, Jesus is with us in a very real, intimate way to love us, strengthen us, forgive us and encourage us. As we taste the bread and wine, we are reminded of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. But more than that, we receive a fresh touch of love from Jesus Himself. Communion is Christ’s "love you". It's a time of reflection, thanksgiving and celebration.
Who Can Receive Holy Communion?
At Salem all baptized believers who believe with us that Jesus is given with the bread and wine are welcome to receive Holy Communion in worship. While children don't formally partake of communion until they are in the fifth grade, we respect each parent's decision when to have their children participate in the sacrament. We serve concord grape wine with a ring of white grape juice in the center of each tray. Children not partaking of communion may come forward for a blessing.
Weekly Celebration of the Lord's Supper
Whenever we are gathered to worship, we experience Christ's command to remember him. Communion is celebrated every Sunday at Salem Lutheran Church.
Attend one of our "Making Disciples" classes. Current members are are always encouraged to participate as mentors or as a refresher course. We are always being made new through new relationships and communal learning.
The couple is asked to meet with the pastor to discuss wedding plans and to review the Salem wedding guidelines. Please contact the pastor as soon as possible when planning for a wedding at Salem.
Anyone interested in getting married in the Salem Sanctuary is invited to attend Sunday worship services and meet with the pastor personally. All couples being married at Salem are required to have three or more counseling sessions with the pastor. The Fellowship Hall is available for wedding receptions and parties.
I take you to be my wife from this day forward,
to join with you and share all that is to come,
and I promise to be faithful to you until death parts us.
I take you to be my husband from this day forward,
to join with you and share all that is to come,
and I promise to be faithful to you until death parts us.
Communion is also a special gift of God. In communion, Jesus is with us in a very real, intimate way to love us, strengthen us, forgive us and encourage us. As we taste the bread and wine, we are reminded of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. But more than that, we receive a fresh touch of love from Jesus Himself. Communion is Christ’s "love you". It's a time of reflection, thanksgiving and celebration.
Who Can Receive Holy Communion?
At Salem all baptized believers who believe with us that Jesus is given with the bread and wine are welcome to receive Holy Communion in worship. While children don't formally partake of communion until they are in the fifth grade, we respect each parent's decision when to have their children participate in the sacrament. We serve concord grape wine with a ring of white grape juice in the center of each tray. Children not partaking of communion may come forward for a blessing.
Weekly Celebration of the Lord's Supper
Whenever we are gathered to worship, we experience Christ's command to remember him. Communion is celebrated every Sunday at Salem Lutheran Church.
Attend one of our "Making Disciples" classes. Current members are are always encouraged to participate as mentors or as a refresher course. We are always being made new through new relationships and communal learning.
Sunday Worship @ 10AM
We are open to in-person worship. But, if you are not comfortable with this, please join us on our Livestream.
Visit our Facebook page to see Sunday services.
Services are HERE at 10:00 AM each Sunday.
If you would like to worship with others, but later in the day, we premier the replay of our Sunday morning service on YouTube at 5:00 PM.
Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel HERE
This is a brand new ministry. Join with us in sharing our small town church with the world.